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The term Computational Thinking was coined by Jane Wing in 2006. Making it a term applicable to all fields of knowledge and not only to programming. The term together with Critical Thinking is the basis of numerous educational research, due to the benefits of its development at an early age. In this research, a large sample of students in 1st, 4th ESO and first year of Baccalaureate have been compared using average grades, proving that the development of this basic competence is more significant in students in the first year of ESO. It could be said that a generational gap is established already in ESO itself and that there are differences in programming skills.  In addition, the non-existence of the middle ground in the works is verified. That is, either they are particularly good, with grades above 8 or they are so bad that they do not even deliver. In both 1st and 4th grades, there are approximately 20% of students whose computational thinking development is so high that the tasks are very simple for them, and they finish them quickly and efficiently, often exceeding the teacher's expectations. In singing, the learning curve is much higher in the first year of ESO, reaching stabilization values when the task becomes complicated. This does not happen in the first year of Baccalaureate, where it is very difficult to quantify the impact that teaching during the pandemic has had on these students, not only academically, but also on a human level.

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Niño con una tableta

Convencidos de que la Neurociencia puede ayudar a la educación y de que es posible llevar a la práctica docente los avances en el conocimiento del cerebro el CEIP Rayuela (Villanueva del Pardillo) está llevando a cabo un proyecto de innovación TIC que implica un cambio en la metodología de trabajo. Tras haber puesto marcha este proyecto que durará tres años ya se han recogido los primeros frutos.

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