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The game is on! Quiz of sex hormones

Essential information

Can you solve this quiz on the effects of sex hormones on the female brain? Possibly not, at least not on your own, but if you read this wonderful project, I'm sure you will. Best of luck!

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Question 1

The images shows sex and non sex hormones

What are hormones?

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Question 2

Match the homone to its effect during periods of homonal transition.




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Question 3

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The image shows differents hormones and its functions in the body.

Sex hormones have multiple purposes, for example, they are responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics at puberty.

Question 4

Observa las letras y responde a las preguntas.


Observa las letras y responde a las preguntas.

","showMinimize":false,"optionsRamdon":false,"showSolution":true,"timeShowSolution":3,"useLives":true,"numberLives":3,"timeQuestion":"30","percentageShow":35,"itinerary":{"showClue":false,"clueGame":"","percentageClue":40,"showCodeAccess":false,"codeAccess":"","messageCodeAccess":""},"wordsGame":[{"word":"HOMONES","definition":"They are the body's chemical messengers, substances secreted by specialized cells, localized in endocrine glands","type":0,"author":"","alt":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"word":"ENDOCRINE GLANDS","definition":"They are responsible for producing sex hormones.","type":0,"author":"","alt":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0},{"word":"TESTOSTERONE","definition":"Is the most important sex hormone in masculine bodies.","type":0,"author":"","alt":"","url":"","x":0,"y":0}],"msgs":{"msgReady":"¿Empezamos?","msgStartGame":"¡Empezar a jugar!","msgHappen":"Pasar","msgReply":"Contestar","msgSubmit":"Enviar","msgEnterCode":"Introduce la clave de acceso","msgErrorCode":"Clave de acceso incorrecta","msgGameOver":"Juego terminado","msgIndicateWord":"Escribe una palabra","msgClue":"¡Bien! La clave es:","msgNewGame":"Empezar de nuevo","msgYouHas":"%1 bien y %2 mal","msgCodeAccess":"Clave de acceso","msgPlayAgain":"Jugar otra vez","msgRequiredAccessKey":"Introduce la clave de acceso","msgInformationLooking":"La información que buscas","msgPlayStart":"Jugar","msgErrors":"Errores","msgMoveOne":"Continuar","msgHits":"Aciertos","msgScore":"Puntuación","msgMinimize":"Minimizar","msgMaximize":"Maximizar","msgTime":"Tiempo","msgLive":"Vida","msgFullScreen":"Pantalla completa","msgNumQuestions":"Número de preguntas","msgNoImage":"Sin imagen","msgCool":"¡Bien!","msgLoseT":"Has perdido 330 puntos","msgLoseLive":"Has perdido una vida","msgLostLives":"¡Has perdido todas tus vidas!","mgsAllQuestions":"¡Respuestas completadas!","msgSuccesses":"¡Bien! | ¡Excelente! | ¡Enhorabuena! | ¡Muy bien! | ¡Perfecto!","msgFailures":"Respuesta incorrecta | Vaya... No es correcto | Lo siento... | Error","msgTryAgain":"Necesitas al menos un %s% de respuestas correctas para obtener la información. Inténtalo de nuevo...","msgWrote":"Escribe la respuesta. Si dudas, pasa a la siguiente.","msgNotNetwork":"Para jugar necesitas conexión a internet.","msgQuestion":"Pregunta","msgAnswer":"Respuesta","msgInformation":"Información","msgAuthor":"Autor"}}

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Question 5

The image shows the percentages of gray and white matter together with their percentages.

Which of these things occur in the brain during puberty? (More than one option may be correct)

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Question 6

Complete the words with the letters below

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Question 7

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Question 8

Recognice what the images show

The image shows the different porcentages of white and grey matter on the brain aswell as their functions

The image shows the different stages of the menstrual cycle

The images shows the different types of hormones and their glands

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