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DAY 5 SUNDAY 17/3/24

08:00 Wake up! Ready to walk around Edinburgh

08:30 Breakfast

Game of the day: "Best Ceilidh dancer". The prize goes to the best performer at the Ceilidh Dance this evening. 

10:00 Scottish National Gallery

A priviledged location in the middle of Princes Street Gardens, the National Gallery hosts works by some of the most notable artists in the history of art, such as Cezanne, Monet, Botticelli, Van Gogh, Degas, Seurat, Gaugin, and the Spanish greatest Velázquez and Goya. 

While in the gallery, try answering to yourself some of the questions in the following link: 

10 things to do in an art gallery

"Vieja friendo huevos", Diego de Velázquez (1618), Scottish National Gallery, Edinburgh

12:00 Princes Street shopping

Stroll along Princes Street and witness a unique main street with its shops lining only one side of the street, leaving the opposite side a lush and green garden space that offers shoppers breathtaking views of the Old Town cityscape. 

Notice that some of the shops will close sooner than you expect. The opening hours abroad sometimes vary greatly from our mediterranean standards. Culture clash.

Princes Street and Scots Monument, Edinburgh

14:00 Free time

18:00 Ceilidh Dance

Show your rhythmic skills and be ready to have fun learning the traditional Scottish dances. A ceilidh dance is a lively and joyful celebration of Scottish culture and tradition. Featuring traditional music, energetic dancing, and a warm sense of community, ceilidhs offer a unique opportunity for people to come together and experience the spirit of Scotland. Whether you're a seasoned dancer or a newcomer to Scottish folk traditions, ceilidhs welcome everyone to join in the fun and excitement.

IES Quevedo after a Ceilidh Dance session, Edinburgh, 2019

20:00 Dinner