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 What will I need today?
Packed lunch from home, comfortable walking shoes, a bottle of water.

Meet at school

Bus departs to Toledo


Today we are visiting Toledo, a captivating town that will transport you back in time. Nestled on a hilltop overlooking the Tajo River, Toledo boasts a rich history, enchanting architecture, and a vibrant cultural scene. As we wander through its narrow cobblestone streets, we'll be surrounded by an incredible blend of Moorish, Jewish, and Christian influences that have shaped this UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Toledo Cathedral

We’ll immerse ourselves in the town's medieval charm as we explore the Church of San Juan de los Reyes, admire the stunning Cathedral of Toledo, and discover the hidden gems of the Jewish Quarter, escorted by a passionate tour guide that will lead us around.

View of Toledo

Back to school and free evening

Suggestion for the evening: listen to music together, show each other the best local bands from each country; help with graduation preparations (dress, look, etc)