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DAY 3 THURSDAY 16/3/23

07:30 Wake up

08:15 Breakfast

Game of the day: TREASURE HUNT in the Royal Mile. The first team to fill all the clues in the leaflet and find the suspect is the winner



09:00 Leave the hostel heading to the castle: Prepare confy shoes and get ready to get to the top of Edinburgh's Old Town. You will get to see the best views of the city from the top of Edinburgh Castle, a fortress built on the summit of the extinct volcano that once stood here, of which all that is left is a mighty basalt rock, remains of the solidified lava tube.

Walking map to Edinburgh Castle

10:30 Edinburgh Castle 

IES Quevedo at the Esplanade, Castle Hill, Edinburgh 2019
IES Quevedo at the Esplanade, Castle Hill, Edinburgh 2023

This crutial stronghold for the history of Scotland has undergone many conflicts and historical events, and now is home to a number of museums, memorials, chapels, and The Honours of Scotland (the Scottish Crown Jewels). 

Click on the link to see a 3D model of the castle. You can use it to get around during your visit.

Edinburgh Castle 3D model

The Annual Military Tattoo takes place in August. It is music and arts performance by different military bands from countries belonging to the Commonwealth. It takes place in the Esplanade in front of the castle as part of the Edinburgh Festivals

Military Tattoo
Military Tattoo, Edinburgh

13:00 Royal Mile: TREASURE HUNT. Form teams and follow the clues to be the first to find the suspect of the crime in the game that your teachers will propose to you.

You will enjoy on your own the lively atmosphere of the Royal Mile. You will explore the numerous alleys (called "close") and learn about he misteries and legends that surround one of the most famous streets in the world. 

Follow this SELF-GUIDED TOUR from the castle on top of the hill to the Palace of Hollyrood at the far end of the Royal Mile as you play: 

Self-guided tour of the Royal Mile

15:00 NMS (National Museum of Scotland)

In the NMS you will see some of the most important scottish antiquities and objects related to Scotland's history and culture. You will be able to learn about cutting edge technology, with exhibits such as Dolly the sheep, the first cloned mammal from a cell. If you are adinosaur fan, you have a great collection on the top floor. 

National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh

17:30 Free time