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Common mistakes Common mistakes

Plural nouns

Generally, when we write our essays we have some recurrent mistakes. One of the most common ones is the misuse of plural nouns. In the following chart you can find the most relevant plural nouns:

Irregular plural chart

       Source of the chart: Woodwart English via YouTube

Read more and practice with this worksheet.

Articles Articles

Plant growth

The Outline for writing an article will give you some visual ideas of how to structure your texts. Your texts are like plants. The seed is your idea, which will grow into a fine plant once you have developed your texts and drawn your conclusions. Don’t forget your references! 

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Agregador de Contenidos Agregador de Contenidos

CV Youth Village Kenya

A CV (curriculum vitae) is an essential tool to apply for a job. We are going to see the basic structure in order to write our own CV.

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Book reviews Book reviews

How to write a book review by GetLitt

A book review is a type of writing in which you give your opinion about a book that you have read. It has a specific structure that you can follow.

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Restaurant review. Photo by Inglés A2 Oriente

The FCE exam includes a review writing. Apart from the books or the movies, other tasks may include reviewing a restaurant or café, an event and a hotel. The structure is similar to that of a book/movie review but the language to be used is different.

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Types of sentences Types of sentences

A topic sentence states the main idea. It is usually the first sentence in a paragraph but it may appear anywhere in it. It presents the issue or a summary of it and it is accompanied by other supporting sentences.

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Supporting sentences are the body of the paragraph since they explain the topic sentence and develop the main idea. They provide details like who, what, when, why, or how. In addition, they are used to illustrate, provide examples, reasons and statistics that make the main idea clear and coherent with the topic sentence.

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A concluding sentence summarizes the information that is presented in a paragraph. It connects the main idea with the ideas developed throughout the paragraph.

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Short stories Short stories

EVAU writing - A story EVAU writing - A story

Writing a story

Choose one of the topics. Write about 150 to 200 words:

OPTION A: Write about a Halloween party or any other party where you went wearing a disguise (taken from the official PAU test 2009/2010).

OPTION B: Describe an unusual personal experience you have had that involved a mobile phone (taken from the official PAU test 2006/2007).

story writing

                                                                   Source of the picture: Shape Your Culture Project

Opinion essays Opinion essays

It is important to write a good opinion essay for your EvAU exam. We are going to see the structure and some tips.

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Agregador de Contenidos Agregador de Contenidos

Discussion essays by Literacy ideas

Discussion essays (also called For and Against essays or argumentative essays) require that the writer presents both sides of a situation and a conclusion with the author's view.

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Invitations Invitations

Invitation with envelope

Invitations are crucial when we are organizing an event. That is why it is important to know what to include.

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