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Sherlock Holmes - Project

Sherlock Holmes Project – 1st Term 2023/2024

This term we are reading A Sherlock Holmes Collection, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. After reading the text some projects and tests will be done, which will be really important for your mark. Here’s the information. If you have any question, please ask me.

What? Reading, writing, speaking about the book. 

i.e. linguistic comprehension (SC1), Linguistic production (SC2), Interaction (SC3)

When? October-November     

Who? Everybody. Individual and pair work.

Where? Class reading at school and individual and pair work at home. You will use the website, the Virtual Classroom and/or the group’s classroom.

Why? Because reading is the most important thing in your lives!

How? There are different parts. Now, I will explain them all.


Part 1: Reading (Ling. Comprehension) @ Virtual Classroom (not available until Oct.25th)

Part 2: Audio (Interaction) (Deadline: Nov.13th) 

Part 3: Poster (Ling. Production) (Class work: Nov. 2nd and 3rd)



Part 1: Reading

 There are 3 stories. A Scandal in Bohemia; The Speckled Band; The Five Orange Pips.

 - We will read The Five Orange Pips in class in class with Alec. An online quiz will be available at Virtual Classroom. 

 - You must also read The Speckled Band to be able to do the writing (production) activity and A Scandal in Bohemia before the speaking (interaction) activity.


Part 2: Audio

- You are Sherlock Holmes.

- Interrogate one of the characters in A Scandal in Bohemia.

- You must speak for at least 4 minutes (2 each). Ask and answer all the wh-questions (what, when, who, where, why, how). You can add more topics and ideas. The objective is for you to find out about the crime. You are a detective! 

- This Part 2 is done in pairs, so one person is Sherlock Holmes and the other a character. (4 minutes -2 each). Both students must upload the audio to the Virtual Classroom.

- Be imaginative. You may add sound and effects, you can choose to film a video instead, you can wear wigs… Imagination!

- Upload your final project (audio/video) to Virtual Classroom before November 13th. No projects will be considered after this date.

● Name of the file: Name + Surname + Class + Activity

                                       John Johnson 3ºL – Sherlock Holmes Interview


Part 3: Poster

Read The Speckled Band and create a poster about the story.

You can work on a poster using a cardboard and a set of markers, creativity and your crafting skills. Also, you can do it using your computer/smartphone, by working on some poster-maker apps such as canvas –or your favorite one.

In your poster you must include the following contents:

 - Title of the story / Title of your poster

 - Your name and class

 - Picture/drawing/real image. You decide; illustrate your poster.

 - Info about the author → Use past tenses (past simple and continuous, present perfect). Write 60 words approximately.

 - Short summary → Write a paragraph summarizing the story. Use present tenses. Write 40-50 words approximately.

 - Characters: Factfile + information.

Complete a factfile (Name, age, nationality, job, relation to other characters, role, etc.) and include some sentences adding information. Use past perfect and/or modal verbs (Module 2)


● If you decide to work on a real poster, show it to the class by Nov. 6th.

● If you decide to work with a computer/smartphone, upload your file to Virtual Classroom before November 6th. No poster will be considered after this date.

● Name of the file: Name + Surname + Class + Activity

                             John Johnson 3ºL – Mme. Doubtfire Poster