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Why The Inventor Of The Trendy Fidget Spinner Hasn't Earned a Penny

#Before listening:

  • Do you have a Fidget Spinner? Do you think its inventor is now a rich and wealthy person?

#Listening: Listen to the text carefully and answer these questions:

  • Are kids the only ones interested in the hot new toy?
  • Are blue and red the only available colors?
  • Does the spinner do anything but spin?
  • How much does it cost?
  • Is Catherine Hettinger a chemical engineer?
  • Why did she give up trying to get her toy manufactured and distributed?
  • Is she upset for the fortune she isn’t making?

#After listening:

  • ‘It costs practically nothing to renew the patent’ says Kevin O'leary. Is it fair what he says? Do you think anyone can afford the $400 patent? Are his ideas classist?
  • What lesson can we learn from O’leary’s ideas and from Hettinger’s thoughts now that anyone can play with her toy?
  • Why the inventor of the trendy Fidget Spinner hasn't earned a penny? Write a paragraph using your own words. Use paragraph style as learnt in class.