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Carnaval 12-2-2021

Buenos días,

con motivo de Carnaval, aquí os dejo unas fichas de inglés con motivo de las Olimpiadas.

Tenéis una semana para hacerlas y enviármelas.

Un saludo



Verbs III


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Días de nieve

Buenos días,

debido a la climatología adversa que estamos viviendo, vamos a colgar la tarea online correspondientes a los días 11 y 12, ya que el miércoles, si no dicen lo contrario, se reanudarán las clases presenciales.

En el apartado Antonio Machado, podéis acceder a las distintas tareas de las áreas bilingües.

Si tenéis cualquier duda, no dudéis en escribirme al siguiente correo electrónico:

Un abrazo

Publicador Publicador


Types of companies

I will upload a video explaining this content.

Propietario Propietario SERGIO ROCHA BARCIELA
Recursos Recursos Recursos: Sergio Rocha Barciela

Comienza Comienza Comienza: 20 de marzo de 2020, 00:00
Finales Finales Finales: 20 de marzo de 2020, 23:59

Blogs Blogs

Antonio Machado


Buenos días,

en este blog iremos subiendo las distintas tareas a realizar durante el periodo de cuarentena.

Para acceder a dichas tareas, tenéis que hacer click en el apartado "Antonio Machado".

Si tenéis alguna duda, no dudéis en poneros en contacto con los tutores a través de los siguientes correos electrónicos:

Raúl Torrico:

Sergio Rocha:


Un saludo

Natural Science

Let’s discover our world!

Do you want to become an explorer and unfold the wonders of this world?

If that’s the case, you are in the right place.

Here we will learn different aspects of our wonderful world so as to have a deeper understanding of it.

Some things will be as hard as a diamond but others as smooth as the breeze.

So let’s take the bull by the horns and feed our brain with knowledge.


English time!

In this part, I will show you some videos, images, texts and games so as to improve our linguistics skills.

It is important not only to focus on the four main skills, which are listening, speaking, reading and writing, but also to understand some key Anglo-Saxon cultural aspects.

In this way, we will be able to communicate and express our ideas and thoughts in a enhanceful and fruitful way.

Let’s enjoy while learning!


El blog de Mr.Profe90


Welcome to my blog!

Due to these extraordinary circumstances, the Covid-19, all the school are closed so the teachers have to find a way to reach their students.

That’s why I came up with the idea of creating a blog so as to keep in touch with my students.

Hope you find this useful and let’s make the most out of this situation.


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