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My Fulbright Experience at IES Velázquez

Eesha Dave

This year, I have been fortunate enough to work as an English Teaching Assistant, or auxiliar, at IES Velázquez in Móstoles. My placement and work is through the Fulbright Program. The Fulbright Program is a program of international exchange through the government of the United States of America and participating countries. Every year, the program awards scholarships to American students, so that they may go work, study and research abroad. In return, students and researchers from foreign countries come to the United States. It is an exciting program that encourages international cooperation and exchange.

Thus far, the program has been a wonderful experience. I arrived here in early September, and will be leaving mid-June. I cannot believe that my time is almost over! The nine and a half months that I have spent in Madrid this year have been incredibly formative. While my responsibilities include being a cultural ambassador and teaching others about American culture, I feel that I have been the one learning this year.

First and foremost, I have learned and truly experienced Spanish culture--it's incredible warmth and liveliness. In contrast, American culture is more distant and closed. I've found that everyone here is very open to talking about their interests, hobbies and fascinating aspects of Spanish culture. This openness is something I have truly appreciated because, when I arrived, I was lost!

Working at IES Velazquez has been a pleasure. I've gotten to know many teachers, staff and students over the past couple of months here. I've realized that the school is very diverse, so the teaching experience is always dynamic. I have enjoyed working with the students of the 3rd ESO. Most of my classes have been with them, and it has been fun getting to all of the students over the course of the year. I've realized that while each class varies greatly, the students do take interest in the English language and American culture. I have enjoyed being able to share a new aspect of American culture with the students through my weekly presentations. A few things I´ve discussed with the students include American geography, American cinema and various holidays, like Halloween and Thanksgiving.

I am grateful for this year, and so happy to be part of the IES Velázquez family. I hope the school continues to participate in such forms of cultural and language exchange.