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We have lots of students in our school that love reading and many that write very well, too. Teachers should always support them and the school magazine is a good media to let everyone enjoy their achievements. Here is an example taken from an exam of English. I’m sure you will like it!

Teacher Gloria

A doggy beach By Guillermo Guijarro Peñas

Last summer, Ariane, my friend, and me, decided to walk from the village we were resting to a mountain at the end of the beach. At first, the journey was planned to start at 10.30 a.m., but I forgot to set my phone to wake me up, so I slept until 10.25 a.m. Finally, we began walking at 11.00 in the morning.

The walk went very well. It was quite long, but we enjoyed it. We had fun playing with Aika, Ariane´s dog, we hung out, and also, we listened to music. The weather was pretty good. It was a hot sunny day and there weren´t any clouds. It was such as dry that we had to bring with us a couple of bottles of water.

Two hours later, we got to the mountain. It was tiny so we thought we could climb it, but then, we realized that we didn´t have trainers and we could hurt ourselves. Aika was very excited because we went to the dog part of the beach so there were a lot of dogs with her. I decided to throw her my sandal, but suddenly, another dog started running and took it with him. He didn´t mean to leave it so we spent ten minutes trying to find his owners. Also, we spent other ten minutes trying to take the sandal out of his mouth.

After that, I revised my phone, and I had ten lost calls from my mom! I also forgot the appointment I had with my family that day. So, we quickly picked up our towels and ran to the village. Anyway, I arrived late, and my parents were mad at me because they waited me for almost half an hour, sorry!