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Everything you can imagine is real. Everything you can imagine is real.

How to draw like Picasso

Picasso, had a very particular way of painting. He didn't paint like other artist.

He though that maybe he could draw a nose in some different place as we are use to see them. 

The eyes, were not always in the usual place. 

I want you to look at these videos and make your own Picasso's face. 

You may use the materials you have at home, markers, colour pencils, crayons, etc.

Send me your creation to posted on our blog. 

Be creative!

Picasso tenía una forma muy peculiar de pintar. No pintaba como otros artistas que conocemos. 

Pensaba que a lo mejor, podía dibujar una nariz en un lugar diferente al que estamos acostumbrados. Los ojos, no siempre estaban situados en el mismo lugar de siempre. 

En esta actividad, deberés mirar estos vídeos y dibujar vuestra propia cara a la manera de Picasso. 

Podéis emplear los materiales que tengáis en casa, rotuladores, lápices de colores, ceras, etc. 

Enviadme vuestras obras y las colgaré en el blog, para que todos podamos disfrutar de ellas. 

¡Sed creativos!

Pablo Picasso

This week I want you to know more about Pablo Picasso's life and artwork. 

Complete this Genially, remember to listnen carefully and answer all the questions. 

At the end of the quizz you will have a score which you have to send it to me. 

 "The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.”

Pablo Picasso.

Galería de imágenes

Paintings Paintings

Picasso's paintings