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The history of St. Valentine The history of St. Valentine

The history of St. Valentine

Etiquetas: b1 st.valentine love

Watch the video and choose the correct answer:

1. The Romans conquered Europe and part of Asia and Africa because...

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2. The emperor Claudius II didn't want their soldiers to get married because...

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3. St. Valentine...

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4. St. Valentine was sentenced to death...

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5. The jailer's daughter and St. Valentine fell in love...

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6. From February, 14th, 270...

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Guy Fawkes Night Guy Fawkes Night

The gunpowder's plot

Etiquetas: b1 5thnovember guyfawkes

Watch the video and decide if the following sentences are true or false. 

1. King James I lived in the 1800s

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2. Guy Fawkes was born in York, America

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3. He was a soldier fighting against the Dutch reformers.

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4. Thomas, Robert and Guy Fawkes loved the king.

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5. They wanted a Catholic king.

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6. There were 36 barrels of gunpowder

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7. The king found out the plot because he discovered the barrels of gunpowder himself

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8. Guy Fawkes managed to escape death

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9. The first time this day was celebrated was in 1606.

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10. Every year an effigy of Guy Fawkes is burned in a bonfire.

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New Year resolutions New Year resolutions

New Year resolutions

Etiquetas: b1 newyear

Watch this video and try to identify the pros and cons of New Year resolutions