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Teacher's Reflection CLIL Formative Assessment Teacher's Reflection CLIL Formative Assessment

Teacher's Reflection CLIL Formative Assessment

Teachers of XXI Century must develop a Professional Training Course to adapt new ways of teaching. One of the XXI Century Teacher Competence is new ways of Assessment in the Teaching and Learning Process.

For this reason, teachers and investigators are together trying to verify new methodologies and techniques in order to improve the teacher's practice.

Formative Assessment is one of the innovative methodologies are now implementing in different educative systems. As part of the new trends, I am trying to implement some of the techniques and tools in my teaching practice.

Self Assessment and Peer Assessment are esential in this new Formative Assessment methodology. Students have time to reflect about what for they are learning and also to see why their mistakes or errors are part of their learning. I also put in practise the idea of repeating some works because children are used to doing tasks just once. This means they think they only have an opportunity to do the task. So, when you ask students to do it again guide them with scaffolding and tools, they improve their self steem.

Peer Assessment is also a good tool to make students empathetic and to understand other different point of view. Students learn how to communicate to others assessment messages correctly to be more critical and also constructivist.

Teachers's Assessment is also a good tool to guide teacher's work. Teachers have hard work everyday but, sometimes this work is not effective. So, for being more efficiently, it is needed to have a guide to economize the effort.

Making changes in the school is not easy, more when teachers have been teaching traditionally for long time, repeating an "embedded" model. So, I recomend teachers to introduce step by step some of the technique that Formative Assesment implies. Formative Assessment is a golden methodology to secure learning.