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It is important to eat a balanced and varied diet. Different foods provide us with different nutrients. Carbohydrates give us energy to face up the day and play. Proteins make our muscles strong and calcium is good for our teeth and bones.
Some foods have more nutrients than others but, does this make them super foods? Most doctors think that we shouldn’t call them “superfoods” but “super diets”- this means we should eat a healthy diet with lots of fruit, vegetables and wholegrains.
Here are some foods that aren’t super but, have lots of vitamins that are good for you.

Blueberries have got vitamin k and C. Some people think that blue berries can protect us from heart problems and improve our memory. Try adding them in your breakfast or have them for a snack.


Oily fish like salmon has got vitamin D, protein and some B vitamins.
Oily fish has also got good
fat in it. If you eat oily fish two or more times a week, it keeps your eyes and your bones healthy.
Brocoli has got lots of vitamins, calcium and fiber in it!
It’s a vegetable that you can eat in salads, soups and with meat and fish.


Dark chocolate is good for us but, like any food, you shouldn’t eat lots of it. A little bit of dark chocolate is better than milk chocolate but, if you eat it too much, it’s an unhealthy choice.


We already know that our locomotor system is made up of bones, joints and muscles. Today we're going to learn some facts about muscles. 

1.There are around 650 muscles in the body.

2. Tendons connect muscles to bones.

3. If a muscle is not used, it will get smaller and weaker. This is known as atrophy.

4. You should get at least 60 minutes of exercise every day. It doesn’t have to be a whole hour all at once, but it does need to be in at least 10-minute increments to count toward your 60 minutes of physical activity per day.

5. If something starts to hurt, stop playing or exercising. You might just need to rest the injured part, or you might need to see a doctor.

There are many things you will learn about muscles in the future such as, types, function or the movements they do. You do not need that information now. But, it is important that you have clear the function of the warming up.


1. It prepares your heart.

Warming up increases heart rate and circulation so you are better prepared to handle higher intensity exercise. Itwill also increase your body temperature, so you perform like a well-oiled machine.

2. Give joints more flexibility

You have to move your joints gently so you’ll avoid injuries. your temperature will increase and warm muscles also prevent hurt feelings.

3. Motivate performance

Warm up is the best way of preparing you mind for the practice. It will make you easy to connect with the activity.

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Match halves and write down the complete sentences.



1. Why is important to warm up?

2. Which fibres connect muscles to the bones?

3. Can you label the names of the image (muscular system)?

4. What would you do if something start hurts?

5. How many muscles has the body got approximately?
