

10 elementos encontrados (1-5)
Imagen "English language" de BiljaST. Licencia CC0 Public Domain, fuente Pixabay. Welcome to the Grammar Section of this website!  On the left, you will find the different didactic units that are available in this website so you can improve your English. Click on the section you are interested in and find a lot of resources to learn about it… Leer más
Past Simple Affirmative There are two ways of making the Past Simple tense: Regular verbs - We add -ed to an infinitive verb: EXAMPLE: Play→Played                 Listen →Listened Exceptions: 1) Words that end in "E" → we add a "D" to the verb: EXAMPLE: Live→Lived                  Love→Loved 2) Words that end in Consonant + Vowel +… Leer más
10 elementos encontrados (1-5)