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Interesting Links - French Revolution and others

  • Luis XVII, el rey niño coronado en la prisión. Enlace

Events of the Revolution (put them in a timeline)

These are the Events of the French Revolution that you will have to put in the timeline:



  • Meeting of the Estates General (May 1789)
  • Voting problem
  • The Third Estate continued alone: new name -> The National Assembly is proclaimed.
  • The king ordered the closure of the Meeting room
  • Tennis Court Oath (20th June 1789)

National Assembly (Constitutional Monarchy)

Constituent Assembly (1789-1791)

  • 9th July 1789 The National Assembly decided to write a Constitution
  • Storming of the Bastille (14th July 1789) (Mass of the streets from Paris)
  • La Grande Peur (August 1789) (People from the countryside) ->
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen -> Abolition of Feudalism
  • Flight to Varennes (June 1791).

Legislative Assembly (1791-1792)

  • Division between Jacobins and Girondins.
  • War against Austria, 1792 (International opposition). Austrian and Prussian troops were moving closer to Paris.
  • Riots of August 1792 (Storming of the Tuileries). The Second French Revolution.

First Republic


Girondin Convention (1792-93)

  • Massacres of September. 1,500 people were assassinated while they were in prison.
  • The National Convention is proclaimed (September 1792)
  • Trial against the King (December 1792)
  • War Against many European countries (Austria, Great Britain, Prussia, Spain…)
  • Anthem of the Marseillaise (song for the war).

Jacobin Convention (1793-95)

  • The Jacobins controlled the Convention
  • Levée en masse (24 feb 1793)
  • Counter-Revolutionary movement (War in the Vendée) (Internal Opposition)
  • Reign of Terror and dictatorship or Robespierre (40,000 people were guillotined).
  • July 1794: Thermidorian Reaction. Coup d’état of the Girondists.

Directory (1795-1799)

  • The Convention was replaced by the Directory. (The government is held by five directors -> directory)
  • Execution of Robespierre and persecution of the Jacobins, (period known as the white terror).
  • Moderate Republican Government
  • There were Wars against European countries, which were defeated by Napoleon.
  • Unstable period: opposition from royalists and jacobins
  • Napoleon is seen as a triumphant general.
  • November 1799: Coup d’état of Brumaire by Napoleon (18 Brumaire Year VIII). The new era of Napoleon has started with the Consulate.

Consulate (1799-1804)

  • Napoleon became first consul with two consuls appointed by him.
  • Appearance of a democratic system, but in fact it was a dictatorship.

Empire (1804 - 1814)

  • Napoleon is crowned emperor on 2nd December 1804.

Restoration (1814)

  • After the defeat in the battle of Leipzig Napoleon is sent into exile and the Bourbons are restored back in France.

Podcast Historia

Ideological Movements Ideological Movements

French Revolution

French Revolution

Hello to everybody.

I let you here the presentation of French Revolution so that it can help you with the review.



  • Videos:
    • The Napoleonic Wars. Oversimplified. Link

Napoleon Napoleon

Napoleon (text)

Here you have the photocopies that we will use in class.


You can download them here below.

Ficheros adicionales

Mapa Europa 1810 Mapa Europa 1810

Mapa Europa 1815 Mapa Europa 1815

Seleccion de contenidos

Timeline French Revolution Timeline French Revolution

Timeline of the French Revolution

Here you have the timeline of the French Revolution.

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