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Interesting Links Interesting Links

Interesting Links - Primary Sector

  • I fully recommend this link. It has some incredible photographs of some plants. Link
  • Los seringueiros de Manaos. (Artículo). Link
  • How a harvester works. (Video, 6 min). Link
  • La ganadería extensiva. (Crítica al sistema extensivo). (Vídeo, 14 min) Enlace.
  • Agricultura regenerativa: el poder del suelo. (Vídeo,6 min). Enlace.
  • Greenpeace: Así impactan las macrogranjas. (Artículo + vídeo 1 min). Enlace
  • La ganadería extensiva: una oportunidad frente al cambio climático. (Vídeo, 3 min). Enlace
  • Peces de los mares de España. (Artículo). (Catalogación del siglo XVIII de los peces de España). Enlace
  • Video Greenpeace: Kit kat el chocolate crujiente que destruye los bosques. (Vídeo, 1 min). Enlace
  • United Fruit Company. "Te lo pensarás dos veces antes de comerte un plátano". (Vídeo, 6 min). Enlace
  • The United Fruits Company, a short history (Video, 6 min). Link
  • Monsanto. (English) (Video, 14 min). Link
  • El mundo según Monsanto. (Documental completo, 1 hora, 49 min). Enlace
  • Macrogranjas, la industria del huevo, hacinamiento, jaulas y muerte. (Artículo y Vídeo, 7 min). Enlace

Agregador de Contenidos Agregador de Contenidos

Agricultural landscapes (table)

Here you have a photograph and also the table, that you can download in the link that is at the bottom.


Ficheros adicionales

Agregador de Contenidos Agregador de Contenidos

How to Analyse an Agricultural Landscape

Links - Farming Links - Farming


Farming Vocabulary


 FARMING  (part of the primary sector)

-       Farming: 

  • Growing crops  and
  • Raising of animals


Different ways of saying “ganadería”:

-       Stockbreeding, cattle farming, ranching, cattle ranching, cattle raising, raising livestock, livestock farming

-       Pastoral farming

-       Hill sheep farming

-       Transhumance

-       Grazing (pastar)

-       Overgrazing

-       Verbs:

  • To raise cattle, to raise livestock
  • To raise livestock, to raise cows, sheep, lambs, calves….
  • To rear (= to raise cattle) (to rear cows, sheep...)
  • To graze (pastar)
  • To herd (pastorear)
  • To stable: estabular

-       Animals:

  • Cow
  • Calf, calves (young cows)
  • Piglets (a young pig)
  • Chickens,  turkeys
  • Sheep, hill sheep
  • Lamb (a sheep under one year)

-       Products:

  • Wool, milk, skin, eggs
  • Meat: lamb (under 1 year), mutton (meat from an old sheep), beef, pork.

-       Nouns:

  • Herd: rebaño, manada.  Herd of cattle, herd of goats, herd of sheep, herd of pigs
  • Herder: pastor
  • Shepherd: pastor
  • Livestock, cattle (ganado).
  • Stable, stall, cow-shed: (establo)
    •  To stable: estabular

-       Other words related to stockbreeding activities

  • Shearing (esquilar)
  • Milking
  • Lambing (parir)
  • Calving (parir)
  • Grazing (pastoreo)


-       VERBS:

  • To grow crops, to grow fruit, tomatoes, vegetables, rice
  • To plant crops, fruit….

-       Nouns:

-       Farming:  cereal farming, rice farming, arable farming

-       Cultivation: Orchard cultivation, Greenhouse cultivation, Tomato cultivation, rice cultivation…

-       Shifting cultivation: this cultivation is practiced in the Tropical Rainforest (cultivo de rozas)

-       Growing: cereal growing, rice growing, fruit growing

-       Crops:  orchard crops (lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers…), salad crops (lettuces, tomatoes, cucumbers), fruit crops, Mediterranean crops (wheat, olives, vineyards)

-       Harvest: grape-harvest, wheat-harvest, olive-harvest, fruit-harvest…


-       Ploughing, planting, weeding, pest control, harvesting, watering, spraying, fertilising,


-       Irrigated land (regadío): Inundation canals, drip irrigation, irrigation canals…

-       Unirrigated land or dry land (secano)

-       Smallholding (minifundio)

-       Large estate (latifundio)

-       Enclosures:  plots of land that are closed with fences or hedgerows

-       Open fields: large extensions of land that are not closed.

-       Organic farming

-       Chemicals: fertilizers or pesticides

-       Genetically modified (GM) crops, or GMO, or Transgenic crops

-       Mechanisation

-       Subsidies

-       Quota

-       Set-aside

-       Overproduction

-       Plot of land (Lot of land for American English)

-       Drip Irrigation (riego por goteo)

-       Crop rotation (rotación de cultivos): we plant different crops in different plots of land, and we can let one plot to fallow (en barbecho).

-       Two year rotation system of crop rotation: they left half of the land fallow.