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Departamento de Español

EOI Madrid-Jesús Maestro

C/ Jesús Maestro, 5   28003 Madrid

Despacho 2.13

 91 533 58 02 / 03 / 04 / 05

Extensión: 137

Horario de atención al público: 

Martes de 10:00 a 11:00

Jueves de 16:00 a 17:00



How to become a student

To sign up, you must following these steps:

Enrollment Request

(Solicitud de plaza)

The first thing you must do to study at the school is to sign up in Gextor. If you need help to register: Gextor Tutorial.

Then, you must enter in the PREINSCRIPCIÓN tab and complete the information they ask for.

You can submit it while still in your native country and it is free.

If you are new to the Spanish language, you must wait until the school publishes the new student sign-up dates (Matriculación de alumnos nuevos de español) . You must then sign up on the day indicated on the list.

Students who have no prior knowledge of Spanish enter at the A1 Level.

If you already know some Spanish, on the enrollment form you need to request a (Placement test (prueba de clasificación).

At the end of the enrollment request/preinscripción period, your the placement tests are given and registration begins. 




Only those students with some previous background in the Spanish language take the placement test.

On the enrollment request form you must indicate that you would like to take the placement test.

You may take the test only after you have paid the placement test fee of 19 euros.




When all the results of the placements tests are in, the registration dates for NEW STUDENTS are made public.

You must register on the day indicated for the level that you would like to study.

How to register

Sign up takes place in the Registration Office (Secretaría), on the ground floor. On the registration day you are given:

  • You must select the class time you would like.
  • You are given 3 documents:
    • A printout of the registration
    • The form 030 used to pay the fee at the bank
    • Your student ID card
  • The documents you must bring are:
    • Passport, the original and a photocopy
    • 2 photos
    • If are applying for a large family discount, your “large family” government issued card.

You must complete all the forms.  Once you have paid the fee at the bank, return to the school (the secreteria office again) to turn in the bank confirmation receipt. After this, you are signed up and ready to start studying Spanish.


  • Fee for the language course: 269 euros. (299€ for students repeating a level) (Discounts are available for large families, individuals handicapped at a level of 33% or more,  and victims of terrorism.)