Blog del Departamento de Inglés Blog del Departamento de Inglés

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Joaquín Sorolla and his time Costume Competition

Take part in our 2023 Joaquín Sorolla and his time Costume Contest to show off your talent and for a chance to win a prize!  smiley

We want to see all of your creative costume ideas!!! enlightened

Where? IES José Saramago

When? Tuesday, 31st October 


The Six Words of Life Assignment

Our 2 ESO B students put up a play for their 1st and 2nd ESO schoolmates in Casa de la Cultura last June. We didn't have the chance to congratulate them before the summer break. Now is a perfect time to do so. Well done, guys! smiley

The Magic Is Back!!

Yesterday and today, our youngest students (1º and 2º ESO) have enjoyed and taken part in a wonderful magic show. Thank you, Dani O'Magic!! :)


Mummies of Ancient Egypt: Rediscovering Six Lives

On September 26 and 29, students in years 3 and 4 visited the exhibition 'Mummies of Egypt: Rediscovering Six Lives' at Caixaforum. Besides, in coordination with the Departments of Geography and History and Biology, the students have had the opportunity to walk around the Paseo del Prado and learn more about some of the most emblematic fountains and buildings of this iconic boulevard as well as the Royal Botanic Garden.

Los días 26 y 29 de Septiembre hemos realizado una visita guiada en inglés a la exposición 'Momias de Egipto: Redescubriendo Seis Vidas' en Caixaforum con todos los alumnos de 3º ESO y 4º ESO. Además, en colaboración con los Departamentos de Geografía e Historia y Biología, los alumnos han tenido la oportunidad de conocer más en profundidad algunos de los lugares más emblemáticos del Paseo del Prado de Madrid así como visitar el Real Jardín Botánico.