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What is a raw material?

We are learning about MATERIALS in the Unit 5. The firt concept is "raw material"

After watch this short video and answer the questions, you will know the meaning for sure :)

Video with questions

Coronavirus questioNs.


We all hear about the Coronavirus, now let's learn something about it. Watch the video as many times as you need and answer the questions in your notebook. Please, copy the questions too, not olny the answers. You have time to do it: four days. So, do it well, okay?

1. Why did Dr. Binocs decided to travel to China?

2. Where did the Coronavirus start?

3. What are the diseases caused by this virus in humans?

4. Investigate on the internet and solve the acronom in the word S.A.R.S.

    (Severe  A................  R............. Syndrome)

5. What is the origin of the Coronavirus?

6. What do people believe that this virus might have been transmitted?

7. What are the symptoms?

8. What parts of the population are more in risk if they get infected?

9. Is there any way to treat this disease?

10. What can we do to stop the virus from spreading?

11. What are you and you family doing these days to help stop the spread of the Coronavirus?

What happens to a discarded PLASTIC bottle?

Food chain and food web

What cause AIR pollution?

What is WATER pollution?

Global warming and pollution

These two video explain global warming and pollution.
They are very interesting and you will understand better the changes and problems in all the ecosystems around the word. 

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Activities after the ecosystem video

Design a diagram or squeme in your notebook containing this information:

1º The groups that ecosystim can be divided.

2º Add some examples of each group of ecosystem.

Remember to do your best. Use a ruler, please.

Have a great long weekend!!


In this video you have the most important information to understand ECOSYSTEMS. Enjoy it!

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The five kingdoms

Kingdoms are a way that scientists have developed to divide all living things. These divisions are based on what living things have in common and how they differ.

This system was developed over 2, 000 years ago and has changed drastically over the years.

Currently there are five kingdoms in which all living things are divided: Monera Kingdom, Protist Kingdom, Fungi Kingdom, Plant Kingdom, and Animal Kingdom.

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Food chain in the ecosystems


In this video you can see and listen to the explanation about some important informacion we are studing in Natural Science. 

Bacteria Kingdom

Watch this video to learn abour bacterias.

Protist Kingdom

In this video, you can review the kingdom Protist
A protist is a eukaryote that is not an animal, plant or fungi.

Fungi Kingdom

Discover how awesome are fungi in this video.

Plants Kingdom

Animal Kingdom

Think of any creature – bugs, birds, animals, fishes, or anything else. I can tell you that the creature you just thought of belongs to a group called the Animal Kingdom.

The Animal Kingdom is divided into two groups:

Invertebrates – All animals without back bones are called Invertebrates. Earthworms, starfishes, squids, snail fall in this category.

Vertebrates – All animals with back bones are called Invertebrates.