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Bilingual Program in English for ESO studies

Idioma actual: Inglés - Otros idiomas: Español

Uniform and flexible groups will be created according to the total number of groups.

  • A structure of four groups allows an organization with one Bilingual category group and three Bilingual program groups with different levels of English (Advanced, Intermediate, and Ordinary).
  • A structure of three groups allows an organization with one Bilingual category group and two Bilingual program groups with different levels of English (Advanced, and Ordinary).
  • The arrangement of these groups can be reviewed in the initial and final evaluation of the school year, including changes according to the levels of English achieved. These changes will follow a protocol approved by the school staff.

The following subjects are taught in English:

1st ESO Bilingual Category Advanced Intermediate Ordinary
Geography and History X
Biology and Geology / Physics and Chemistry X
Visual and Audiovisual Arts X X
Physical Education X X X
Technology, Programming and Robotics X X
Ethical Values X X
2nd ESO Bilingual Category Advanced Intermediate Ordinary
Geography and History X
Physics and Chemistry X
Visual and Audiovisual Arts X X X
Physical Education X X
Technology, Programming and Robotics X
Ethical Values X X
Music Workshop X X X X
3rd ESO Bilingual Category Advanced Intermediate Ordinary
Geography and History X
Biology and Geology X
Physical Education X
Technology, Programming and Robotics X
Ethical Values X
Music Workshop X X X
4th ESO Bilingual Category Advanced Intermediate Ordinary
Geography and History X
Biology and Geology / Physics and Chemistry X
Physical Education X X
Ethical Values X
Music Workshop X X X