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etwinning projects

Programa de trabajo escolar dentro del entorno de los países de la Unión Europea.

Curso 2020-2021

Actividad Spooky Fall. 2º, prof. Miguel.

Curso 2019-2020

Actividad In one sky 2C. 3º, prof. Daniel (suspendida por el confinamiento).

In one sky 2C


English blog English blog

A full-page plenty of English resources and games for all students and levels, enjoy it!

Blog de inglés

Click on image to access.

School year 2020-2021 School year 2020-2021


In spite of the pandemic situation caused by COVID-19, in our school students enjoyed a full-session activity centered in a typical Anglosaxon festivity as Halloween. Teachers staff taught vocabulary and the roots of this funny day, a tradition that nowadays goes in depth as a wonderful resource of teaching in different areas while pupils learn in a fun way.

Halloween 2020-21

Happy Halloween!

School year 2020-2021 School year 2020-2021

A new beginning

Again all staff starts a new school year plenty of cheerfulness and hope. Despite the pandemic health legislation the school continues as ever with great enthusiasm, full of energy and optimism.

In a few years we will remember this situation as a bad dream, so enjoy this new school year now!

School year beginning 2020-2021

School year 2019-2020 School year 2019-2020

School year 2019-2020 School year 2019-2020

School closures due to COVID-19

According to Sanitary Authorities' orders all Spanish schools will be closed until futher instructions due to the new coranavirus that  causes COVID 19 disease. Local and National Goverment are working together for giving an answer to this situation calificated as pandemic by the WHO (World Health Organization).

Non presential period continues being a formation time because teachers will continue with their classes. All communications and classes will use Internet way, we hope that all students will be able to access it. If not, local goverment will ease students facilities to access it using tablets.

COVID 19 stop

We will communicate new instruccions according they will arrive.

School year 2019-2020 School year 2019-2020


Our school celebrates Carnival again, a funny week culminated by our traditoinal costume parade. Art was the main topic selected, showing that students, families and staff are able to develop their imagination as ever. We enjoyed the Carnival ending with the traditional "sardine's burial" in which participated all school members.

We are going to miss Carnival until next year, we hope to see in!

Staff disguises

School year 2019-2020 School year 2019-2020

Peace day

On January 30th all school students and teacher staff celebrated  "Peace day" , a date for spreading the message of non-violence and  peace. Learning values of peace, tolerance and a pacific co-existance are the roots of our Educational system and the main axis of teaching procedures.

Happy Peace day!



School year 2019-2020 School year 2019-2020

Christmas holidays

Christmas is the time when people is ready for celebrating and enjoying closely with their families. Children enjoy fantastic holidays and dream with fantastics magic worlds, open lovely presents and having time with friends.

Merry Christmas and happy new year!

Christmas time

School year 2019-2020 School year 2019-2020

Class activities

In our classes we have pupils books, activity books, notebooks and we also have... imagination!. Learning English is easier if students will be able to learn in a funny way because not everything in the school is filling pages or copying sentences.

English activity 1

English activity 2