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LOMLOE Unit 4 We respect everyone (Population, rates etc)



Click here to see the list of worlwide countries ordered by the population. And here to see the list of worldwide countries ordered by their population density. Remember: popoluation and population density, though connected, are not the same.

LIFE EXPECTANCY is the number of years that a person is expected to live. It has changed a lot. Nowadays, Spain is the fifth country in the world with the highest life expectancy. Can you believe it? Could it be because of our Mediterranean diet? Maybe it's because of our tapas. Our lifestyle is incredible!

Do you want to know the list of the life expectancy of all the countries of the world? Click here to see it.

Agregador de Contenidos Agregador de Contenidos


This map shows natural growth rates of different countries in 2010. Red and brown indicate countries with a very fast growth, whiles blue shows the places where the population did not grow or decreased.

To calculate the natural growth rate we need to know the births and the deaths occured in a place.

Birth rate - Deaths rate = Natural growth rate

When the deaths are more than the births, natural growth rate decreases.

When the births are more than the deaths, natural growth rate increases

 People move all around the world.

An emigrant is a person who leaves their country to live in another country.

An immigrant is a person who comes to live in a foreign country.

Then, a person is both an emigrant and an immigrant depending on who speaks. For intance, if Ivan, a Russian child, leaves Russia to come to Spain, he is an emigrant for his Russian family, but an immigrant for a spaniard. (To know more click on Did you know?))

Would you like to listen to lives stories by some immigrant children of your age? They will surely surprise you. They are Asya, Taylor, Vandi, Sadana, and Gabriella. They are from five different countries, although they are living now in United States. Besides, if you click on Explore the Historical Timeline you will find events related to immigration, explaining why immigrants have always been important for the progress of all countries.


It´s the number of people IN AN AREA

Click here to know more.

The next map shows the population density of Spain.

Darker areas show places where the population density is higher (densely populated). As you see, the most populated areas of Spain are the main cities: Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Bilbao, Sevilla etc as well as the coast and the islands. Lighter areas show places that are sparsely populated.

HERE you can see some additional information. The website is long and complex, but it's got some interesting graphics and charts.

Population and jobs

Population can be divided in two groups:

A) ACTIVE: People who are between 16 and 67 years old. They are healthy and able to work.

When they are actually working they are employed population. Unfortunatelly, they sometimes can´t find a job and they are unemployed.

B) INACTIVE: People who are not of legal working age (children under 16 and retired people) or those who don´t receive a salary (students, ill people...)


Agregador de Contenidos Agregador de Contenidos

Population of Europe


If you click on the map,you´ll see the population distribution of Europe