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Let´s first see a timeline about the periods of History.

Let´s watch a video of PREHISTORY

We are going to have a quick view to the past of the Iberian Peninsula.

 The Iberian Peninsula was inhabited by two groups of people: IBERIANS and CELTS in pre-Roman times. 

 Over 2,000 years ago, the ROMANS conquered much of what is now Europe, including the Iberian Peninsula.


The Middle Ages started on the Iberian Peninsula with the creation of the VISIGOTH kingdom.


Later the MUSLIMS invaded the Peninsula.


 To learn a little bit  more about Al-ANDALUS  click on the image.


Next pictures show some parts of a Muslim city. Can you guess?

Now check your answers.

You can deepen in the parts of the muslim city watching this video:


Moorish arquitecture is amazing. Some of the most important buildings related to this period of time are:

      - Mezquita of Córdoba

- Alhambra of Granada (palace). Click on the image below to watch a video about the Alhambra.

- Alcázar of Sevilla (fortress).

Do you want to know more about it? Let's watch it!

In Al-Andalus (the name the Moorish gave to the Peninsula and Balearic Islands) cities such as Córdoba and Sevilla were very important. An splendid city, Medina Azahara, was built in the surroundings of Cordoba by Abd-ar-Rahman III in 936.


From the 10th century Al-Andalus became a great cultural centre. Eminent doctors, writers, astronomers, mathematicians and philosophers such as Averroes and Maimonides lived in the cities of Al-Andalus.

Would you like to watch a video that sumarises this period of History? Click on the image.

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