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0. Portada Science 4th

   This website it is devoted to  SCIENCE    4th  GRADE.

    We are creating different spaces to develop some contents from different unit of the science book. The spaces created for each unit will help us sometimes to comprehend the general contents better, other times to obtain further additional information through different sources... This will help us to work both at school and at home in a more relaxing and en enjoyable way.

Unit 6: Matter Unit  7: Forces and Energy Unit 8: Light

 Unit  9. Where we live

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Me parece una gran idea el que se haya creado este aula virtual donde poder acudir para aprender mejor, solucionar dudas y disfrutar aprendiendo.

¡Gracias a todos sus colaboradores!
+1 (1 Voto)
Publicado el día 21/02/13 0:09.

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