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Blog de Álvaro Blog de Álvaro

The last dance.

Last hello of the year.

This is the last week of the schoolyear and we've got to celebrate. Here is a cool dance for practicing and sharing.



And here are some supercool dancing moves to learn and show off.

Have fun.

Dancing and spooning

Hello again.

The end of the school year is approacing and it is a tradional time for dancing. Her is a link to first part one of a dancing tutorial series for you, so that you can practice new dancing moves.


And for those of you who like challenges, here is anew challenge performed in two differents ways by two of my assisstants.





Good luck

Beach bats


Summer is aproaching  and it will be the perfect time for playing beach bats. Here is a progression of drills for practising the game. Remember that good practice leeds to excellence.


Stand up!


Here is a new video with some challenges for this week. Four way of stnading up from the ground without using your hands. Can you think of any other ways to do it? Send me your videos and show me!




See you soon wink

Throw and catch

Here is a new video!

Practice some throws and catches with Israel and me!


See you!


Hello another week. I hope that you all are keeping all right.

I am linking two videos for you today. In the first one you will see a five minutes stretching class for you to work on  your stretching. Be conservative and do not hurt yourself. Once you are done with the first video, that you can rewatch as many times as you need during the week, you can move to the second video. In the second video you will see my assisstant Jimena challenging you to do something. You can send me your videos with the challenge to

Practice video:


Challenge video



Good luck


Toilet paper rolls challenges





Hello again.

Here are your toilet paper rolls challenges from your PE teacher.

Have fun!


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Este obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional.

Games for this week.

Greetings again.

Here is me and my assisstant Jimena showing you some games for this week.

Enjoy them.


  Licencia de Creative Commons
Este obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional.

My bottle caps track.

Hi again.

This is my bottle caps track from a few weeks ago. It is not as good as the ones I used to build as a child, bit I am happy with it. Not so much with the football field. I am sure that yours were better wink.




Licencia de Creative Commons
Este obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional.




This week reminder

Hello everyone.

Let me remind you that for this week we had two activities to do:

1. Walking aroung wtih a soda can balanced on your body: head, shoulder, elbow...

2. The tazacesto challenge shown in the following video.






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Este obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional.

Good luck trying it.

Michael Robinson


Os transmito el escrtio del profe Israel con motivo de la muerte de Michael Robinson:


D.E.P. Michael Robinson R.I.P (1958-2020)

En esta ocasión no es nada relativo a tareas. Utilizo este muro para compartir con vosotros mis sentimientos, y es que, como sabéis, soy un apasionado del deporte, y del fútbol en concreto también.

Lo niños, muchos de ellos no conocerán quién era este hombre; sin embargo, para muchos mayores (como yo), este hombre ha sido la VOZ que hemos escuchado durante tantas horas y horas viendo deporte. Nos enseñó una manera MUY DIVERTIDA de ver fútbol en El Día Después, programa que se emitía el lunes (día después del domingo , que era cuando se jugaban la mayoría de partidos). Os animo a que veáis algunos de esos programas.
Posteriormente creó Informe Robinson, que según sus propias palabras, el programa «sirve para contar historias con el pretexto del deporte».
Además de haber sido un jugador de fútbol de 1ª división como podéis ver en los vídeos.

Aprovecho esta triste noticia, como he hecho en alguna ocasión, para recordaros que: cuidéis, protejáis, améis, cooperéis, defendáis, y ayudéis a todas las personas que están a vuestro alrededor, os quieren, y se preocupan por vosotros; comenzando por la familia (padres, madres, hermanos, hermanas, abuel@s, tí@s, prim@s, etc), amig@s, y los profesores, entrenadores o tutores que vayáis teniendo a lo largo de la vida y que se preocupen por vosotros igual que si fuerais sus hij@s.
Desgraciadamente, nunca sabemos cuándo se va a acabar la vida de esas personas, a las que tanto queremos, por ese motivo yo siempre digo que hay que acordarse, cuidar y ayudar todo lo posible a las personas que queremos en vida.

Un abrazo enorme para tod@s 
Adjunto unos vídeos de youtube para que le conozcáis un poco.





Some reminders



Hi students and families.

I am posting some of the materials that have been sharing since the begining of quarentine for those of you who have no seen/done them yet, or want to review them.

We started with some juggling



Then we played some games with bottle caps games.



We also had the Coslada school games at home, the  PE Trivia and all those workaouts videos from youtube.

I will continue to post all new materials on this blog in order to make sure everyone gets to them.

See you soon.



Wellcome to my blog. This is my first post. Here I will be posting some ideas for practicing our PE outside our school. As well as some videos of aur favourite game.

To start off, and in order to add a touch of the spirit of this blog from the very beggining, here are some pictures of some of aut games. Do you know their names and how to play each one of them?






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Este obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0 Internacional.

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Throw and catch

Here is a new video!

Practice some throws and catches with Israel and me!


See you!