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1. Architecture.


  • They designed buildings to a human scale.
  • They used stone and marble.
  • They had columns and a double-sloped roof.
  • They introduced orders, column arrangements, that aimed for proportion and ideal beauty. There were three: doric, jonic and corinthian.Greek orders

  • There were two main types of buildings:
  1. Temples: The house of a particular god. Inside, there is a statue of the god. The parts of the greek temple were:
  • pronaos, a vestibule.
  • naos, the main room where the god's statue was located.
  • opisthodomos, another room where the offerings made to the god were kept.GREEK TEMPLE PARTS

The most important were built in the 5th century in the Acropolis of Athens: the Partenon and the Erecteion.ParthenonErecteion, Athens

  1. Theatre:was used for the performance of theatre plays and was built to the advantage of mountain slopes.
    Delphi theatre

2. Sculpture:


  • About the materials, first the used wood, later polychrome marble, bronze and sometimes, ivory and gold.
  • Tried to achieve idealised beauty, using a canon, a set of proportions applied to the human body.
  • Great variety of subjects: gods, heroes, athletles, religious scenes and battles.
  • We can distinguish several periods:
  1. Archaic: Rigid figures and almond-shaped eyes: Kouroi, Male naked athletes; Kouroai: Dressed females.kouroi
  2. Classical period: Figures in movement, more realistic but still idealised. Examples: Dyscobolus, Myron, Relief of The Parthenon and Athena, Phidias.Dyscobolus, Miron
  3. Hellenistic period: They represented movement and expressions of feelings in faces and bodies. Examples: Laocoön and Winged Victory of Samothrace.Laocoon

Winged victory of Samothrace

3. Pottery.

Characterised by a great variety of forms for every sort of use: storing grain, transporting water and mixing wine and water, etc.

In Athens there were two types according its decoration:

  • red figures painted on a black background.
  • black figures painted on a red background.