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This school year there are already 884 Language Assistants working in the Region of Madrid. This number can be broken down into four groups, as specified below:


  • Language Assistants in (Public) Bilingual Primary Schools:

These Language Assistants carry out their activities in the Primary Schools that are part of the Bilingual School Programme in the Region of Madrid. There are 242 schools in the Programme and 708 Language Assistants that, 16 hours a week, attend the schools they have been appointed to so as to aid in the teaching of English. 

  • Language Assistants in (Public) Bilingual Secondary Schools:

This year there will be 32 Secondary Bilingual Schools. These schools will be assigned 64 English-speaking Assistants, who will collaborate with their teachers for 16 hours a week. They receive their stipend from the Regional Ministry of Education in Madrid as well.

Some of the Language Assistants assigned to these new Bilingual Secondary Schools are bound to a collaboration agreement signed between the Region of Madrid and the Fulbright Commission. They also receive their stipend from the Regional Ministry of Education in Madrid.


  • Language Assistants Assigned to Secondary Schools with English, French and German Language Sections

There are at present 10 English Language Sections, 15 French Language Sections and 3 German Language Sections in our Secondary Schools. During the school year 2010/2011 there will be a total of 20 English-speaking Language Assistants, 31 French-speaking Language Assistants and 6 German-speaking Language Assistants aiding teachers for 16 hours a week in the classroom. They receive their stipend from the Regional Ministry of Education in Madrid


  • Language Assistants in (Public) Bilingual Secondary Schools:  

The Ministry of Education assigns Language Assistants to the Public Secondary Schools in the different regions of Spain. 55 Language Assistants have been appointed to the Region of Madrid and financed by the Ministry and who class. These Language Assistants aid the foreign language teachers for 12 hours a week. They receive their stipend from the Ministry of Education.

Regardless of the type of schools they have been assigned to, all the Language Assistants share the same rights and responsibilites as outlined in other sections of this Language Assistants Guide.

The Language Assistant is generally a young person who is about to finish his or her University studies or who has recently finished them.